The Best Way to Onboard New Talent is Automated Provisioning


The best solution for improving the employee experience is to automate provisions for new hires, transitioning employees, and exiting workers. We’ll highlight the two ways to approach automated provisioning and how they can help advance your business.

Create the Ultimate Onboarding and Ongoing Employee Experience

Automated provisioning can help you provide an exceptional employee experience for new hires and current team members. Whether you use it for a specific event or ad hoc situations, automated provisioning optimizes the process of granting employees access to specific applications at various permission levels.  

New employees using the traditional onboarding system with manual processes may need to wait several days to access essential applications. Also, manual onboarding processes can give departing employees too much time with the data. This practice could expose your company to security risks and data compromises.

With automated provisioning, your business can eliminate shortcomings associated with traditional onboarding processes.

Automatically Provision New Hires the Applications They Need

Quick and efficient onboarding is critical to making new team members comfortable with your system and ready to contribute immediately to advancing your business. When properly configured, workflow automation makes streamlined onboarding possible by giving new hires first-day access to the apps they need.

The automated provision onboarding system works with the following steps.

  • Sending out the new hire notice: The human resource information system, like Namely®, sends out a new hire notice email alert to the appropriate parties. This action triggers the workflow.

  • Manager notification: The system automatically messages the manager through a business communication platform like Slack. It requests a list of the selected apps and their access levels.

  • IT schedules provisions: After confirming the licenses for the apps, the IT employee can schedule the app provisions for the new team member on day one.

All integration, connectivity, and configuration are possible because of an iPaaS platform, like Lumino by Ariox, which acts as a central hub between software solutions and data management systems. It has many integration features to enhance communication between all participating systems.

Let Your Employees Focus on What Matters

Sometimes, employees require access to additional apps or may need to change their access level for a particular app. The need for this type of access may result because the original provisions lacked all the required apps for the job or the employee may be switching roles.

A system without automated provisioning requires employees to create a ticket for the IT team, resulting in a time-consuming process, leaving the employee waiting for an extended period.

This void could slow down or prevent some projects from moving forward. On the other hand, an automated provisioning workflow can alleviate the downtime in these situations and let the employee focus on more critical matters.

Example of How This Could Be Done Using Automation

Suppose a project manager is defecting to join another company, leaving a critical void on a development team working on a project with a strict six-month deadline. In response, you promote a team leader to a project manager. But this new manager must be fully prepared for the position and the project as soon as possible.

The automated provisioning workflow would proceed as follows.

  • A manager opens the chatbot within your business communications platform and clicks “Provisioning.”

  • Once the pop-up appears, the employee enters the necessary information in the various fields for the provision request.

  • When the manager submits the information, the chatbot notifies the beneficiary of the manager’s request. Also, your IT team receives the request through the business communication platform. Everyone involved has the option of accepting or rejecting the provision request.

  • This process ends with the beneficiary and the manager receiving an approval or rejection notice through the business communication platform.

With the help of an integration platform like Lumino, the automated provisioning process transpires very quickly. As a result, automating your workflows can improve new-hire productivity, employee retention, and your company’s competitiveness and scalability.

To find out more about automated provisioning with Lumino, visit


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Joel Benson

Sales and Marketing Specialist


Joel Benson


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