10 Effective Solutions for Digital Transformation Problems


Nevertheless, your enterprise can avoid major integration headaches by taking a proactive approach to potential obstacles. Here are ten top solutions to help make your digital transformation project successful.  

1. Eliminate Non-Compliant Software Products

When searching for software solutions, you should disregard any software products that don't help your enterprise meet government and industry compliance, as well as regulatory requirements. This step is particularly critical to financial, food, medical, and transportation management software solutions because these industries must follow strict government guidelines.

2. Finding the Right Software to Optimize Consolidation and Integration

It pays to accurately identify the specific problems in your business that a software solution can solve. With this knowledge, you can reduce compatibility issues by finding software products that solve multiple problems.

3. Constantly Communicate to Stakeholders About Your Digital Transformation Project

You can increase your chances of completing a successful digital transition project by getting stakeholders to engage in problem identification, searching for a software solution, and taking agency in the transition process. You can mobilize this approach with workshops, an internal marketing email campaign, conferences, and executive announcements. 

4. Assemble a Team of Early Adopters

You should assign your research and development (R&D) team to assemble a diverse group of early adopters consisting of department heads or representatives, primary users, and other amicable stakeholders. Your team members should include influential people with the most enthusiasm about the digital transformation landscape and trends.

5. Mitigate Cost by Connecting with a Big Project

You can mitigate the high costs of labor and software products for your technology integration project by partnering with one of your company's big projects, such as a back-end network, to connect data across various business lines.  As a result, your first round of implementation could be funded by the larger project. In addition, successfully supporting the large company initiative would give you the proof of concept required for the company-wide adoption of the new technology.

6. Create a Pilot Program

A pilot program in one department is a low-cost way to demonstrate how the new technology can benefit other departments within your enterprise. This strategy gives your R&D team a chance to troubleshoot any potential integration problems before scaling up.

7. Choose the Right Integration Platform to Connect the Various Software Components

Software support like the Lumino Platform increases automation and communication between the most used systems within your organization, like your transportation management (TMS) or enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Lumino has integration features that eliminate manual data entry and connect different types of data across all the various segments of your business. This can result in quicker logistics, response time, and data transmission.

8. Seek Input from an Organizational Development Consulting Service

You can use the help of an external organizational development consulting firm to fine-tune a proactive plan for your digital transformation project. It can give you a keener insight into your cost profile, data weak spots, and challenges.

9. Setting a Definite Schedule for Migrating Data and Implementing it Between Platforms

To minimize disruptions in daily operations or pushback, you can establish well-publicized milestones for the integration process. For example, a good 5-step plan would be: 1. Take inventory 2. Choose a model 3. Plan the move 4. Practice 5. Move.

10. Create a Contingency Plan for Your Digital Transformation Project.

Broad systematic changes come with vulnerabilities and risks. So, when developing your implementation strategy, you should include a contingency plan to minimize disruptions. For example, you can create an alternative integration schedule in case you have to temporarily bypass a department for unforeseen reasons. 

Takeaways for Your Digital Transformation Project

Being proficient in changing, scaling, and adopting new systems is essential for a thriving enterprise in today's business environment. For this reason, a multi-tiered strategy that incorporates an integration platform like Lumino by Ariox can make your digital transformation project more successful. It features powerful tools that increase automation and communication between your busiest systems.  To schedule a sales meeting about Lumino by Ariox, click here.

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Joel Benson

Sales and Marketing Specialist


Joel Benson


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